Yajur Veda Mantra 31/5 says that the whole world/atmosphere is created by Almighty God. Though the creation is the greatest,utmost and surprising deed which cannot be done by anybody else except God,But still in comparison the creation is nothing before the God i.e., the God isgreater than the creation and the surprising creation is nothing in comparison
PramaanViparya Vikalpa Nidra Smritiyha (1/6)
For the last morethan five thousands years the study on this matter is oftenly negligible
1.Prataksha 2.Anumaan and
Most of theSadhus now a days tells people not to touch Shashtras,Vedas and Yajna which is the culture and a traditionknowledge of the Human being preached by Almighty God in the shape of fourVedas and thereafter learning /practising from Vedas the Rishis spread thesame. In the absence of this traditional knowledge ,no one is now able torealise the truth or decide the untruth. If we still learn about the said Vrittisfrom Yoga Shashtra based on Vedas then there is no reason left behind todiscover right or wrong. Because in Vedas/Shashtras to decide the truth, thePramaan(Proof) is to be produced .Pramaan means Proof . From the ancient timethe above stated Praman Vritti (Proof) used to be quoted while preaching orwriting being ordered by Vedas. It is a wonder that due to lack of traditionalknowledge and public being away from the traditional spiritualism the Praman(Proof) are not being quoted/asked and thus Muni Kapil says in his SamkhyaShashtra – Itaratha Andhaparampara(3/81) i.e., in the absence of an aliveyogi/philosopher of Vedas a new own created tradition will be generated whereinthe spokesman/listener both will be totally blind about the truth/facts . TulsiDass ji has also told in his Ramayana under couplet 97 verses 1&2
l. Now the people do not see and study the preach ofVedas. Mostly sadhus sold Vedas i.e.,the sadhus do not know A B C about the Vedas / yoga philosophy preached therein.
Five organs(eye,ear, nose, skin &tongue)gets the knowledge by seeing, hearing, smelling, touching and tasting from outermaterilistic world and pass the same to the Chitta. The Chitta passes the sameto the Soul to experience and for disposal. Thus the knowledge collected by thefive organs and the faculty which receives and contains the same is called thePrime Vritti of Chittawhich is further defined as Prataksha Pramaan i.e., thetrue knowledge experienced by Soul through the process of five organs and PrimeChitta Vritti is called Prataksha Pramaan(direct proof given by fiveorgans).For-example Eye, the organ seethe snake .The effect of knowledge of the snake thus received and make on theChitta. Now the Chitta’s Vritti truthfully decided that it is undoubtedly issnake.This is called Prataksha Pramaan Vriti.(Direct proof from eye organ whichcan’t be wrong at this belated stage). Similarly we have to know about the other fourorgans viz nose ear tongueand skin on the matter of prataksha Pramaan Vritti. In this matter there may be some doubt also,