A new music CD was released on T-series platform. This CD is bound to bring a sea-change in how spiritual music is used to build harmony and give internal peace to public. Swami Ram Swarupji, Yogacharya and Founder President, Ved Mandir has compiled, sang and shared his spiritual knowledge in the CD. In the CD, entitled Sabme Vyapak Jyoti Ek, there are bhajans from Yari Fakir, Shree Gurubani, Bulley Shah, Kayam Fakir and Ameer Khusro.
A new music CD was released on T-series platform. This CD is bound to bring a sea-change in how spiritual music is used to build harmony and give internal peace to public. Swami Ram Swarupji, Yogacharya and Founder President, Ved Mandir has compiled, sang and shared his spiritual knowledge in the CD. In the CD, entitled Sabme Vyapak Jyoti Ek, there are bhajans from Yari Fakir, Shree Gurubani, Bulley Shah, Kayam Fakir and Ameer Khusro.
Swamiji has explained that everyone should listen to spiritual knowledge and discourse of their religion. After listening that one should realize truth, attain peace, eradicate sorrows and achieve world-peace. It is important to listen. Shashtras, Vanis, etc. have said that one should listen spiritual knowledge from experienced.
The first bhajan is ‘Hamare Ek Allah Piya Praya Hai’. While explaining, he has said that God can be called by any name with love if one remembers the qualities of God. If the qualities match, one can call God by any name. He has explained from Rig Ved that God is one and learned call him by many names. If one understands this then all the conflicts of the world will get over and humanity will be united with one common thread of love. Then there will be no fights.
While sharing several examples from Vedas, Geeta, Ramayan, Shree Gurubani and other spiritual texts, he has made it clear that God is only one. From Shre Gurubani, he has sung the shabad – ‘Avval Allah’ with detailed explanation.
This will be one of the first CD where word by word meaning of Sufi Saints’ bhajans are explained with immense spiritual knowledge and experience of Swami Ram Swarupji. For example, while explaining ‘Benamoon Bechoon’ of a Yaari fakir bhajan, he has given a reference of Vedas – Na Jaatah Na Janishyati – that there is no one like God who was born or ever will be born, and several other examples. He has explained that there might be several names of God but God will be only one and will have the same qualities.
Swamiji goes on to explain that God is a giver and has given this land, sun, moon, stars, etc. to Hindus, Muslims, Sikhs, etc. equally. One should move over the disputes of languages and bodies, and try and get immersed in qualities of God inside. It will give us peace, joy and will make us one.
He has given quotes and references where the knowledge shared by bhajans by Sufi saints are linked to Vedas and other spiritual texts. It will build a strong unity and respect for everyone.
While explaining ‘Kis tan Lagaya’ bhajan by Bulley Shah, Swamiji has explained from Vedas that ‘Yastu Sarvani Bhuvanani Aatamev Anupashyat’ – when a person realizes that everyone is just like him then the person will respect everyone. Then the person will really call God in his prayers and bhajans.
Swamiji has also explained with reference to context on what do the bhajans by Sufi saints really mean. He has also explained the historical references after extensive research.
He goes on to say that when a person from any religion releases God, he will experience the same ‘Noor’ of Almighty God. How can that experience be different for anyone? Then the person will truly believe that everyone is same.
Music for this CD has been composed by Laxmi Vasant, famous music directors of Mumbai. The CD has been produced by Promod Rampal. Several leading artists have contributed to the CD. These include Pandit Bhavani Shankar (Tabla/Pakhavaj), Lalit Shankar & Jaish Radhakrishnan (Dholak), Kiran (Flute), Zubair (Sitar), Dilshad (Sarangi), Pancham Verma (Side Rhythm) and Sungadha and others in chorus. The music has been recorded in Saraswati Audio Studio (New Delhi) and post-production has been done at Sana Sound (Mumbai).
The audio CD is available at just Rs. 36/-. Many disciples have also contributed to production of the CD and their efforts are acknowledged.
T-series was started 24 years back by Late Shri Gulshan Kumar. It is a diversified group with $90 million in the core business of Consumer Electronics, CD’s, Audio/Video Magnetic tapes and cassettes. All of which has achieved through keen perception of the changing consumer practices, infrastructural investment, technological upgradations and a skilled, cohesive workforce. Above all, an aggressive commitment towards quality through technical and professional perfection.
Swami Ram Swarupji, Yogacharya established Ved Mandir (ashram) at Yol, H.P in 1979 to revive eternal Indian culture comprising of divine four Vedas.