Rashmi: Pujya Guru ji, Maharaaj pranaam and charan sparsh, I hope you have received the article written by us. Guruji maharaaj could you please send/give me the mantras to be recited for punasavan sanaskaar. Further I have a request for you to consider could you please write a book on all 16 sanskaars, with details of all mantras to be recited during these pious occasions with meaning preferably. As you Know Out of millions and millions one become a Rishi by intense tapasya, mostly today truth is not known to even brahmins. Not everbody is fortunate to have the guidance of a Rishi. This book will help all of us in completing the sanskaars of the soul. Further Guru ji what is the meaning of sham no. in shanti mantras. With regards.
Swami Ram Swarup: My blessings to you all, my daughter. My daughter, I was out of station for nine days to perform several yajyen in jammu. Now, I have returned. So, to write mantras of Punasvan sanskar is a lengthy job, so, please wait for a week’s time. Secondly, mantras of all sixteen sanskars will be printed in the shape of book also, I think after six months because nowadays, I am again busy to complete third and final part of Bhagwad Geeta, chapter 13 and 14 have been completed. Remaining four chapters require long time.
Sham no= Sham+Naha. Sham means shanti i.e., peace. Naha means to us. In this mantra, there is a prayer to Almighty God that may He give us peace. Again, my blessings to you all.
Lalit: Please let me know can we keep our pitra devta photo in our daily puja room
Swami Ram Swarup: There are several meanings of Pitra. Pitra means our forefathers. Pitra means our parents who look after us. Pitra means present spiritual master who is alive. Please, write about the pitra whose photo you want to place in your pooja room along with the description of your pooja room, please.
Anonymous: Namaste Guruji There is Atharvaved Mantra 18:3:72 like that
Ye Te Purve Pragata Apre…………Shatdhara Vayundti. Please give me correct translation word by word of this Mantra. many Arbi fanatics to destroy the Indian Culture demeaning the Mantra like that by fake translations:- “What Fathers of yours went away earlier and what later, for
them let there go a brook of ghee, hundred-streamed, overflowing.”
Swami Ram Swarup: Namasteji.
(Atharvaveda mantra 18/3/72)
Oh! men and women (YE TE) Those who were your (POORVE) ancient (CHA) and (YE) those (APAREY) are new (PITRAHA) learned pitar i.e., learned Rishi-Munis who protect. (PARAGATAHA) have gone to heavenly abode. (TEBHYAHA) for them (GHRITASYA KULYA) drain/small water race. (SHATDHARA) with numerous outlets (VYUNDATI) being swollen, gushing out (EETU) flows.
Meaning— Oh! men and women, those who were your ancient and those who are your new learned pitar and have gone to heavenly abode i.e., the ancient Rishi-Munis who have gone to heavenly abode but those who are still present, for them, drain/small water race with numerous outlets,
being swollen, gushing out, flows.
Idea— Human-beings must attain the divine qualities from their ancestors who have left their bodies and also from the new learned Rishi-Munis. In the same way, as the small water race/drains are made by farmers to irrigate their fields to get sufficient food-grains to provide
pleasure/happiness to everyone.
D: Do our vedas say it as a wife’s duty to satisfy her husband’s sexual desires every day without fail even if she does not feel like it some day,is it a crime to skip this most important duty of her although she loves him
Swami Ram Swarup: No, please. Such duty of wife is not mentioned by Vedas even Vedas are against such matter and state it as a sin. You are advised to read my book- Brahmacharya- Ek dukh nivarak divya manni (in Hindi) worth Rs.100/-, excluding postal charges in which such matter is described in detail, giving references of ved mantra. It can be sent to you on receipt of your postal address, if you desire.