Rashmi Sahu: Pranaam, Guru ji, 14 Manavantar = 1 Kalp.How many such kalpas are there and in one day of brahma or night of brahma how many such kalpas are taken into account. Can you name total kalpas.Further one creation = 14 manvantar, after that pralay will happen, am I correct? Guruji what is the importance of these 33 jad devtas in Vedas?
Rashmi Sahu: Pranaam, Guru ji, 14 Manavantar = 1 Kalp.How many such kalpas are there and in one day of brahma or night of brahma how many such kalpas are taken into account. Can you name total kalpas.Further one creation = 14 manvantar, after that pralay will happen, am I correct? Guruji what is the importance of these 33 jad devtas in Vedas?
Swami Ram Swarup: My blessings to you my daughter. Thirty-three jad Devtas are non-alive matters and every non-alive matter has its own importance for living beings as well as universe. For example- (i) Eight Vasus are meant to provide residence/nursing means to all living beings.
(ii) Ten Pranns (vital airs) are meant to establish breathing system in human body. It also establishes life within human beings. In addition, name of eleventh Rudra is soul.
(iii) Twelve Adityas are the 12 months importance of which is known by you.
(iv) Indra is vidyut (electric discharge in sky)
(v) Prajapati is Yajyen.
So, every devta has its own importance. Kalps are eternal and therefore are uncountable. So one kalpa is equal to the time when the universe exists and is called one day of Brahma and the time of pralaye i.e., within which the universe remains in pralaye is called one night of Brahma. Names of manvantar Swayambhar, Swarochisch, Ottmi, Tamas, Ryivat, Chakshash, Vaivasvat and Sawarnni, etc.
K Guruprasad: Request you to please enlighten on the following queries.
a). In south India, the customs of brahmin family is that they teach one mantra (I’m not sure whether it is mantra or sloka) called ABHIVADHEY after upanayan sanskar, i.e whenever we touch the feet of elders (male), we need to recite this Ahivadhey to introduce ourselves. Is it as per Vedas?
b). My understanding is that Sandhya vandanam is the Havan what we do daily in our house. Is it right? Because, in south, they do sandhya vandanam without doing havan.
c). How does the soul enters the mother womb?
d). Your comments about today’s electric cremation in the big cities. They have abolished the culture of cremation of body with wood.
e). I understood that Cow is equated to Rishis in Vedas. The soul which takes the body of Cow is because of good deeds or bad deeds?
Swami Ram Swarup: My blessings to you my dear son.
(i) It has some light of Vedas. Vedas also tell to respect elders.
(ii) Yes, Sandhya means daily agnihotra.
Sandhya (meditation)
Sandhya means to concentrate well/meditate well to worship God. So when an aspirant does stuti (praise) Upasna (worship) and prarthana (prayer) while chanting Ved mantras, he should concentrate fully on each Ved mantra.
In Vedas some mantras will be describe the divine qualities of Almighty God, which is called stuti. In some mantras there will be a prayer addressed to God which is called prarthana and in some there will be way of meditation being described which is called upasana. In Vedas like Samveda mantra 14 Sandhya must be performed in the morning as well as in the evening. However, if somebody has no time then he can perform Yajyen in afternoon or at night but mostly Sandhya is performed both times i.e., in the morning and evening. So, according to Vedas there is no trikaal Sandhya but simply Sandhya word is there.
In Rigveda mantra 2/23/1 there is a word, “GANNANAAM TWA GANNPATIM HAVAMAHE”. In the mantra Gannanam means, who is Supreme, amongst all the matters of universe, i.e., God and Gannapatim means he who is Supreme Lord of the matters of the universe i.e., God , “TWA” means you i.e., God, HAVAMAHE means accept that is accept for worship. Idea of the mantra is that one should always worship the God who is Supreme commander of the universe, who is omniscient and Almighty.
Second meaning of sandhya is that after doing agnihotra, one should do meditation.
(iii) Soul enters first in male body through vegetation or pores of skin and then takes birth through parents.
(iv) I always tell that human beings must attain progress simultaneously in both ways i.e., worldly pious matters –deeds including science and secondly spiritualism. Electric cremation is the result of one sided progress i.e., progress in science. If, spiritualism could’ve been added then certainly Yajyen/agnihotra would’ve been performed by all human beings. With the result, timely, pure rains would’ve been obtained and further increase in vegetation, plants, trees, water, food grains etc., would’ve been achieved.
Hemlata Sharma: Swami ji Pranam What I do worship in daily routine?
Swami Ram Swarup: The process of creation is eternal. In the beginning of every creation the knowledge of Vedas emanates direct from God and is emanated in the heart of four Rishis. God Himself tell in Vedas to do pious deeds according to Yajurveda, study of universal matters, progress in science according to Rigveda, worship according to Samveda and knowledge of medical science according to Atharvaveda. So one should worship according to Samveda. I also paste my article on shubh karma.
Shubh Karma
Hard working, devotion, dedication, honesty, services to the parents and elders to follow eternal religion mentioned in Vedas, practice of Ashtang Yoga, discharging moral duties to get progress in education, science simultaneously with spiritualism like, daily havan, to be in contact with the learned Acharya, to get his advice, are some of the pious deeds which make the future bright and obliterate the sorrows, problems, diseases, etc.
One must wake up early in the morning for early morning walk and exercises, must sit on meditation and chant holy name of God, must be away from any addiction and non-veg. Such pious actions lead to long, happy life and bright future.
Manoj: Swamiji Pranam, I was appreciated to read this session of Q/A. How can I control my anger?
Swami Ram Swarup: I would request you to please quote the reason of the anger. You know anger is not good and harmful to the health and family. I paste here my article on anger. On receipt of your reply I would try to guide you more and more.
Your question is tough and requires detailed explanation which is not possible here being lengthy. However, some main points thereof are given please:
1. One must make frequent contact with his acharya. The acharya must be learned of Vedas and yoga philosophy.
2. Listening of Vedas and to attain the preaches thereof is necessary.
3. Should do daily havan from Ved mantras.
4. Must do name jaap of Almighty God daily after learning the eternal procedure thereof.
5. Should learn Ashtang yoga philosophy and should do its hard practice under guidance of a learned acharya. Asan, prannayam and meditation should be given more importance.
So, I would like to tell you that the time comes when the aspirant gets perfection in doing prannayam daily with the result he is able to control his senses, perceptions and mind. You are therefore advised first to study my three books if possible. The books will give you knowledge about yoga philosophy and Vedas. The books can be sent on receipt of your postal address. The above procedure to control the mind is eternal. Mostly the people think that name jaap, listening of holy books etc., will do the purpose but the experience of ancient Rishi-Munis state that the above quoted eternal procedure is necessary.
Poonam: My children asked me about ghosts. Can they be attracted by candles?
Swami Ram Swarup: When there is no any existence of ghost then how ghost can be invited by candle etc. So clear the point to the children. (See Vedas Divine Light Page No. 36).
Sunil: When should I conduct Greh Praveh Puja? Can I conduct after I start living in the house or I should do I before I start living in the house?
Swami Ram Swarup: The grah pravesh pooja (worship) is performed in the new house before entrance i.e., before keeping the household items in it and spend the first night onwards there.