Anonymous: Respected, The Kaṭha Upanishad actually says that no one knows what happens to a person when he dies (Kaṭha.1.20). 1) How is it that the Kaṭha Upanishad 1.20 claims that no one knows what happens when a person dies?

The Śāvetāsvatara Upanishad rejects various explanations, including karma, and claims that in the end everything is in the power of God (The side 2-3). 2) How come the Śāvetāsvatara Upanishad does not accept karma?

Thanks in advance for the explanation!

All the best
Swami Ram Swarup: The following pages of Kathopnishad may clear your doubt, if not you may put your doubt again to me, please.

As regards Shwetashvaropnishad please send its reference wherein the upnishad does not accept karma philosophy because every upnishad is based on Vedic philosophy. And when Vedas accept and preach karmas’ philosophy then question not to accept the same by shwetashvaropnishad does not arise. Please send the reference.

Anonymous: Respected, I had the opportunity to read a book: “Good Kamma! Bad Kamma! What Exactly is Kamma?” by Shravasti Dhammika. In that book, the author states that karma and reincarnation do not exist in the texts of the Vedas. The author of that book is a Buddhist and he claims that in the Vedas there is a heavenly world that can be reached through the proper performance of rituals. The author of that book believes that the idea of karma and reincarnation was not generally accepted at the time of the Buddha, but that it was a new and secret doctrine that began to develop before the birth of the Buddha, and that the main upanishads had different ideas about karma and reincarnation. 1) Is karma and reincarnation mentioned in the texts of the Vedas? 2) Do the major Upanishads have a mutually contradictory view of karma and reincarnation?

Thanks in advance for the explanation!

All the best
Swami Ram Swarup: My dear son, in vedas there is no mention about swarg (heaven) and narak (hell). Those who do not study Vedas under the guidance of a learned of Vedas they may create doubt etc.

1). In vedas karma philosophy is mentioned but not reincarnation.

2). No please.