Brief Notes from Yajyen – December 20, 2022

Swami Ram Swarupji conducted the Yajyen on December 20, 2022. Here is the brief summary of his preach: श्रीश्च॑ ते ल॒क्ष्मीश्च॒ पत्न्या॑वहोरा॒त्रे पा॒र्श्वे नक्ष॑त्राणि रू॒पम॒श्विनौ॒ व्यात्त॑म्। इ॒ष्णन्नि॑षाणा॒मुं म॑ऽइषाण सर्वलो॒कं म॑ऽइषाण ॥ (यजुर्वेद मंत्र - 31/22)...

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Brief Notes from Yajyen – December 18, 2022

Swami Ram Swarupji conducted the Yajyen on December 18, 2022. Here is the brief summary of his preach: तदे॒वाग्निस्तदा॑दि॒त्यस्तद्वा॒युस्तदु॑ च॒न्द्रमाः॑। तदे॒व शु॒क्रं तद् ब्रह्म॒ ताऽआपः॒ स प्र॒जाप॑तिः ॥ यजुर्वेद मंत्र - 32/1 वह परमेश्वर- सर्वव्यापक,अकायम अर्थात काया...

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Brief Notes from Yajyen – December 17, 2022

Swami Ram Swarupji conducted the Yajyen on December 17, 2022. Here is the brief summary of his preach: अ॒द्भ्यः सम्भृ॑तः पृथि॒व्यै रसा॑च्च वि॒श्वक॑र्मणः॒ सम॑वर्त्त॒ताग्रे॑। तस्य॒ त्वष्टा॑ वि॒दध॑द् रू॒पमे॑ति॒ तन्मर्त्य॑स्य देव॒त्वमा॒जान॒मग्रे॑ ॥ (यजुर्वेद मंत्र -...

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Brief Notes from Yajyen – December 11, 2022

Swami Ram Swarupji conducted the Yajyen on December 11, 2022. Here is the brief summary of his preach: रु॒चं ब्रा॒ह्मं ज॒नय॑न्तो दे॒वाऽअग्रे॒ तद॑ब्रुवन्। यस्त्वै॒वं ब्रा॑ह्म॒णो वि॒द्यात् तस्य॑ दे॒वाऽअ॑स॒न् वशे॑ ॥ (यजुर्वेद मंत्र - 31/21) हे जिज्ञासु सुनो! यदि साधक...

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Brief Notes from Yajyen – November 20, 2022

Swami Ram Swarupji conducted the Yajyen on November 20, 2022. Here is the brief summary of his preach: यज्ञ के लिए चाहे प्राण भी चले जाए। यज्ञ आखरी दम तक करने चाहिए। इस संसार में भाग्यवान वही है जो ईश्वर के अलौकिक नामों से उनके लिए आहुति डालता है। आजकी दुनिया वेदों के...

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Brief Notes from Yajyen – November 08, 2022

Swami Ram Swarupji conducted the Yajyen on November 08, 2022. Here is the brief summary of his preach: ईश्वर ने गुरु को कार्य सौंपा है कि वे नर-नारी को मोक्ष के काबिल बनाए। जिससे की वे मोक्ष को प्राप्त करें। गुरु - जो अपने ज्ञान से नर-नारी को अंधकार से प्रकाश की ओर ले...

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Swami Ram Swarupji answers questions of readers

What kind of questions can you ask?


You can ask questions on your personal problems. Please note that no medical advice will be given. 


You can ask questions on scriptures such as Upanishads, Shastras, Ramayan, Mahabharat, etc.


Spiritual advice such as meditation, yogabhyas, yajyen, chanting, daily prayer, swadhayaye, etc. 

News & Current Affairs

Please feel free to ask questions on news and current affairs. Swamiji replies as per Vedas. 


You can ask questions on all major religions. Swamiiji gives answers as per Vedas.


Feel free to ask questions on improvement such as in education, career, personal life and others. 

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Weekly Yajyen Hours

Attend the best deed as per Vedas



Yajyen is performed daily in Ved Mandir. Public Yajyen is organised on every Sunday, Monday, Purnmasi and Amavasya. Additionally, it is organised on several occasions.

Annual Yajyen

Annual Yajyen is organised from April to June since 1979 with aahutis and discourse from every mantra of Vedas. It is done personally by Swami Ram Swarupji. 

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Publications by Swami Ram Swarupji

Vedic Books

Swamiji’s publications are available in Hindi, English, Sanskrit, Tamil, Telugu, Kannada, Gujarati, Marathi and other languages. These includes books and audio.


Shrimad Bhagwadgeeta ek Vedic rahasya has explanation of each shloka of Geeta with the reference of Vedas. 

Vedon se mrityu rahasye jaano

Vedon se Mrityu Rahasya Jano contains knowledge about death from Vedas, which is a bitter but fundamental truth. 

Vedic Pravachan Sangrah

It has compilation of some basic knowledge of Vedas such has Maths, Science and others. It is a must read book.  (2 Volumes)