RG: Questions: 1) Athrvaveda(6/11/3) The Lord of creatures, mutual consent, (anumati) and active life (sinivali) give shape (to the embryo). May they put a male here and the birth of girl elsewhere. How do you justify this?Swami Ram Swarup: In the mantra Prajapati...
Anonymous: Respected, The Kaṭha Upanishad actually says that no one knows what happens to a person when he dies (Kaṭha.1.20). 1) How is it that the Kaṭha Upanishad 1.20 claims that no one knows what happens when a person dies? The Śāvetāsvatara Upanishad rejects...
AS: Pranam Maharaj ji, my question is that do multiple universes exist? Or is there only one universe with only one earth? Because if there’s only one earth, how are people taking birth as you have told that to take birth as a human one must preach the way of...
Anonymous: Respected, whilst commenting on Dayanand’s Vedic monotheism, Aurobindo writes “Such a theory is obviously, difficult to establish. The Rigveda itself, indeed asserts (Rv. I. 164.46) that the gods are only different names and expressions of one...
Anonymous: I’m already 35 years old and after watching a video from YouTube channel know your vedas, I want to know if is there possible to wear yagnopaveetham at this age?Swami Ram Swarup: At this stage sorry Yajopavit Sanskar can not be performed but after...
सभी संगत को गुरू जी का प्यार भरा आशीर्वाद। कृपया नीचे दी गई सूचना ध्यान से पढ़ें और उस पर पूरी तरह से अमल करें। इस साल जो वार्षिक यज्ञ अनुष्ठान (14 April to 30 June) हो रहा है उसमें गुरू जी चाहते हैं कि उनका करीब करीब पूरा समय केवल वेदों को दिया जाए और संगत पूरी तरह...
Rational Singh: Pranam Maharaj ji. Please enlighten me by replying following questions:- 1. When Vedas were first written down? 2. Who wrote and on which material? 3. What was the language and the script (lipi)? 4. Where is the oldest Vedas kept today and how...
Anonymous: We are three siblings who are joint owners of an ancestral bungalow which is run down infested with large number if bats and containing bat urine and bat excreta. My twin sister and younger brother are insisting on donating it to our Acharya as it is...
Anonymous: अहम् सूर्य इवाजनि। इसका अर्थ समझा दीजिए। धन्यवाद। Swami Ram Swarup: (अहम् सूर्यः इव अजनि) मैं सूर्य के समान प्रकाशमान् प्रसिद्ध हुआ हूं क्योंकि (अहम् इत् हि) मैंने ही (पितुः) परमेश्वर से (ऋतस्य) सत्य वेद की (मेधाम्) बुद्धि (परि जग्रह) धारण की है। Samved...
Iqbal: How can I gain the true knowledge of Vedas? Vedas are not book. It should be learnt from a Acharya. How to make sure that this person is a true Acharya? I am a Muslim. Would any Acharya will agree to teach me Vedas? Swami Ram Swarup: Yes please, any acharya...