Anonymous: What was the most important belief common to the philosophies? Swami Ram Swarup: To know the truth. Jugalpreet: Sat Sri Akal Maharaj ji.. apke charno me pranaam.. babaji kya hume apne guru k bare me kisi se baat nhi krni chahiye?? Mera bht dil krta hai...
Dev: Namaste Swamiji , Jai shree ram. 1)How makardhawj in Ramayana was born? 2) Please explain BG 7/20 which Zakir Naik always reiterate? 3) Shri Krishna in BG says I’m God ,what does it mean ? Isn’t it a Contradictions with Vedas ? 4) Shri Krishna ne...
Shivanshu: Pranam Swamiji, Swamiji we all have heard about great female sages like Maitreyi , Gargi, etc but why not about any Queen who administrated country in Vedic period or of any female army commander? What does Vedas say about a female being given power to...
Anupam: गुरुजी सादर प्रणाम।गुरुजी वेदांत दर्शन व्यास मुनिजी द्वारा लिखित है व शंकराचार्य द्वारा भी।शकराचार्य जी के वेदांत दर्शन मे अहम्ब्रह्स्मि का विचार है।आपने जो वेदज्ञान दिया है उस आधार पर यह भी समझ आता है कि व्यास मुनि जी ने अपने दर्शन मैं वेद ज्ञान आधारित तथ्य...
Ram: Namaste Swamiji I am interested in the principles of Aryasamaj. I am from Kerala. I am performing Vedic Sandhya daily. In my home already there is a small Pooja room filled with portrait of lot of dieties. Can I remove those portraits and use the room for...
Menon: What should be a girl’s attitude and behaviour towards her Father- in- Law according to Hindu religious texts? Swami Ram Swarup: The daughter-in-law must always be humble, faithful, respectful and obedient towards her in-laws. She should serve better by...
VJ: Maharaj ji prnam.maharaj ji main naam jap, pranayam,g gayatri jap or hawan roj kar raha hu.maharaj ji mujhse ye sab sahi ho raha hai ya koi galti ho rahi hai kripa karke margdarshan kar dijiye.maharaj ji main bahut bure dour se gujar raha hu.maharaj ji sirf aap hi...
Harish: Guru ji Parnam, Just one question on direction of face while performing hawan as yajens are going on. No doubt that GOD is omnipresent but when one individually performs hawan in the morning, he keep his face towards sun (east direction). In the evening when...
SG: How to pull out from very serious trouble like trapped in false case and facing jail? Swami Ram Swarup: God protects everybody. The real worship, divine deeds, divine knowledge and power etc. has been mentioned by God Himself in Vedas. I mean to say, those who...