Anonymous: महाराज जी को कोटि कोटि प्रणाम।महाराज जी आपका स्वास्थ्य कैसा है।महाराज जी क़र्ज़ की समस्या दिन ब दिन बढ़ती जा रही है।महाराज जी मैंने खेत ठेके पर देने का बहुत प्रयत्न किया।पर कोई भी ऐसा नहीं मिला जो थोड़ा सही रेट दे पाता हर कोई औने पौने पर लेना चाह रहा है।महाराज...
MK: Dear Guruji, Thank you very much for your blessings for the delivery. Would you kindly perform Birth Sanskar for the newborn and suggest a Vedic boy name accordingly? Thanks! Swami Ram Swarup: My blessings to you all my daughter. Some names for boy baby i)....
Anonymous:Swami jee I am currently doing a job? But swami jee I want to learn Vedas? Problem is that there is no body to do upanyan ceremony? Swami jee my question is can I learn vedas without upanyan ceremony? And what diet and other things are to be followed? Swami...
Yash: Pranaam swamiji, sadar charan sparsh.Swamiji aapne kaha tha vedo mein likha hai “MATA NIRMATRI BHAVATI “.Swamiji yeh kis ved mantra mein hai? Swami Ram Swarup: My blessings to you. “Mata nirmatri bhavti”, yeh pad maine kahin pade the parantu ab yeh...
Rishi: Guru ji charan sprash, Is janam main jo log garib hain dukhi hain rogi hain.. wo sab pichle janamo ka karm bhog rae hain. Phir humen inki madad kyun karni chayiye. Kyunki inlogon ne bure karm kare aur jiska phal bhog rae hain. Please clarify this point. Swami...
Jayashri: Gurujee pranam I see bad dreams even I do regular prayer to God any time my husband chats God name and he regularly meditate. My beliefs towards God is decreasing. I am childless Trying to conceive am having many small small diseases after so much of prayer...
Rajiv: Swamini, If a person is committed for two values like” satya and ahimsa” and if tbere is aconflict between these two it creates “dharma sankat”. Which one he should discard. Say a man comes to me and asks for a man address as he wants to...
Yash: Pranaam swamiji ,sadar charan sparsh.swamiji kuch vyakaran se related prashn the. .Q1) Swamiji मातृ ,माता ,माँ in शब्दो का धातु ‘मा’ है या ‘मान्’?? .Q2) Swamiji kuch log ‘मान्’ को भी धातु बताते है ।इसका कारण वो यह देते है...
Rajat: Guru ji parnam.. Apne jaise batya ki Vedas me Kisi v Avtaar ki baat nhi ki gyi hai. Jaise ke Ram, vishnu, or Krishna Maharaj v. Kya ap Is verse ko explain kro ge? The one born before sunrise and later taken to the place of the cows, is one without a second. He...
Anonymous: Pranaam Guruji, I wish to seek your blessings for a successful court case, I have on the 24th of May 2018, regarding matters, of which I sent before. Bahaut Dhanaywaad Guruji. Pranaam. Swami Ram Swarup: My blessings to you, beta. Sorry, being busy, I could...