Alvin: Pranaam Guruji, I hope you are well. I have some questions that I hope to clarify with you. A) As you have said, Vedas was an oral tradition up till the Mahabharata times and Ved Vyas Ji wrote this on Bhoj patra..? Why did he decide to break this tradition of...
Harish: Guru Ji Pranam, Kindly tell the meaning of Rigved Mantra 1/24/1-2. Pranam Guru Ji. Swami Ram Swarup: My blessings to you. Rigveda mantra 1/24/1,2- Idea of the mantras is that a devotee who follows the vedic knowledge perfectly, attains salvation and after...
आर्य विनोद: पूज्य महाराज जी , चरण वंदन. पराशर ऋषि के पुत्र व्यासऋषि को उनकी माता सत्यवती ने जन्म देते ही पानी मे क्यों बहा दिया था , जबकी उन्हे तो अपने नवजात शिशु की रक्षा और पालन – पोषण करना चाहिये था? Swami Ram Swarup: Mera aapko ashirwad. Satyawati ne kumari...
K: Namaskar!! Kya pregnant lady satyanarayan Pooja main baith sakti hai apne Pati ke sath? Swami Ram Swarup: Namaste beti. Satyanarayan Pooja mein pregnant lady baith saktee hai parantu yeh Pooja vedon mein varnit na hone ke karann vidwanon dwara sweekarit nahi hai...
H: I have huge respect for Vedas. I want to ask I am a Punjabi . Do Vedas allow particular community to protect their race. Like our community have been protecting our race by marrying only among people of Punjab or Haryana as we all belong to same race. If we marry...
S: Namasthay Swamiji, I am 52yrs old and I haven’t achieved much in life financially. But my wife supports me financially and takes care of me well. I have no other issues other than that. Is it not a sin I am enjoying the fruits of her labor. Can you please...
M B: गुरुजी,चरण स्पर्शl 1. क्या दूसरे ग्रहों पर जीवनयापन की आज्ञा वेद मे है? 2. क्या दूसरे ग्रहों पर जीवन सम्भव है? 3.यदि दूसरे ग्रहों पर मनुष्य रहते हो तो वे आकार – रुप – रंग मे पृथ्वीवासियों के समान है? 4. क्या दूसरे ग्रहों पर वेदों का ज्ञान है? 5. वहाँ...
Anupam: गुरुजी सादर प्रणाम।गुरुजी मन में एक प्रश्न अक्सर उठता है।ईश्वर प्रकृति व जीवात्मा तीनों स्वयंभू है।ईश्वर प्रक्रति की सहायता से सृष्टि का निर्माण करता है व जीवात्माओं को शरीर प्रदान करता है।प्रलय में जीवात्मा प्रक्रति शांत होते है व एक मात्र ईश्वर,चेतन होता...
Rajat: Parnaam Guru g. Guru g Sun(surya dev) ka pita(Father) kon Hai. Sun Mother name Aditi hai. Kya ye Rigveda me mention hai? And Sun god k Father name kya hai. Kirpaya Btaye Swami Ram Swarup: My blessings to you., Hum sabka aur Surya, Chandra, prithvi, nakshatra,...
Rashmi: Guru Ji maharaaj pranaam, Regards and charan sparsh, You have said that brahmacaya breaks if you sleep in day time. But you have said that we can sleep for 25 minutes. If we get up early like 3 45 am can we sleep or not in day time. with regards , Rashmi Swami...