Nachiketa reached Yamraj (Yam – death, raj – controls) – someone who has realised God. He took the knowledge of Vedas, agnihotra, yogabhas, etc. by which you can get over death. Most people even after listening Vedas are keep entangled in worldly...
Swamiji continued his preach from 9th mandal of Rigveda. Vidvaan makes even foolish people Vidvaan. Even if a person is not educated, he can become Vidvaan. Jigyasu (aspirant) is needed but not disciples that are full of pride. In case Rishi and parents tell your...
Swami Ram Swarupji continued preaching and aahutis from Rigveda in the Yajyen of Four Vedas. A brief summary of his preach, is as follows: Arya are those who have controlled their sense organs. They do havan twice a day daily. They do anushthan of Yajyen. They do...
Swami Ram Swarupji continued preaching and aahutis from Rigveda in the Yajyen of Four Vedas. A brief summary of his preach, is as follows: If you want to be prosperous then you need to follow Brahmcharya. He gave example of Pandavs. When they were going to a forest,...
By Swami Ram Swarupji, Yogacharya, Ved Mandir – Yol India has inherited a rich Vedic cultural legacy from its glorious past. It is also a well-known fact that all the rishi-munis and yogis accept Vedas as their soul. Rishi Kashyap after studying Vedas...
Harish: Guru Ji Pranam, Kindly tell the complete meaning and idea of Atharvaved mantra 12/1/12. Pranam Guru Ji. Swami Ram Swarup: My blessings to you. (Prithvi) He Prithvi! (yat) jo (te) tere (Madhyam) karma hai (cha) aur (yat) jo (nabhyam) Kshatriyon ka hitkaari...
Edward: Pranam Swamiji, Sam veda 1529 and Rig veda 4.32.20 are prayers to Agni and Indra, are these prayers suitable for use since Agni and Indra are Devas. Swami Ram Swarup: My heartiest blessings to you. In Samved mantra 1529, Agni word is used for Almighty God....
Anupam: सादर प्रणाम गुरुजी।मैं आपकी नई पुस्तक divine preach of vedas मंगवाना चाहती हूं।गुरुजी मन में एक प्रश्न आता है कि पूर्व में जो समाधिस्त हुए जैसे वशिष्ट मुनि,व्यासमुनि,कृष्ण भगवान,राम भगवान आदि क्या इनकी मुक्त आत्माएं लोगो द्वारा इनका ध्यान करने या चिंतन करने से...
By Swami Ram Swarupji, Yogacharya Swami Ram Swarup Yogacharya believes that ungratefulness inflicts pain on those who do good deeds, ultimately making them indifferent to kindness Among the many sins that man should avoid, thanklessness is one that is cruelly double...