Brief Summary of Preach – May 17, 2019

YouTube links for morning Yajyen: Evening Yajyen If you rest and talk then your time is wasted. Ashram in Sanskrit – Aa ((from all directions), shram (hard work). Anyone who is sick can rest. Never think of resting. You should do hard work. Lead a hard life. When you...

Brief Summary of Preach – May 16, 2019

Raja Dashrath was knowledgeable of Vedas and would do palan poshan of the whole world. It is the king’s responsibility to ensure that people get appropriately distributed with the items that they require. God has given everything. Now there is no equitable...

Brief Summary of Preach – May 15, 2019

From tomorrow we will try that the Yajyen starts at 1000 since there is Vedarambh Sanskaar. There are people with hard heart, you should be humble and leave pride,  leave anger and do satkaar of pitrah. Without this everything is just selfishness and you get...

Vedic Tradition for Rulers

By Swami Ram Swarup Ji, Yogacharya It is sad that nowadays the desires of politicians to get power to satisfy their ulterior motives, has destroyed almost all the eternal, traditional Vedic politics wherein the true and the best qualities of politicians have been...

Brief Summary of Preach – May 14, 2019

When the sinner leaves sins and then puts aahutis, and tries to leave bad deeds. Then God says I will get rid of all your diseases. God mentions each and every disease. Nothing is greater than Yajyen. It is everything. Nothing compares to it – name jaap, yogabhyas,...

Brief Summary of Preach – May 13, 2019

Yajyen is the best deed as the knowledge that you learn is adopted in real life. Otherwise it has no meaning. The base of Yajyen is Brahmcharya. You should leave your bad deeds. You should remember God, agnihotra, Yajyen, naam simran, etc. Those who are under 60 may...

Vedic Politics

By Swami Ram Swarupji, Yogacharya In our vedic literature, there is a legend that Kashyap Rishi was deeply engrossed in study of Vedas. During his life time of three hundred years, he met with death twice, after an interval of hundred years each. But at that juncture,...

Brief Summary of Preach – May 12, 2019

Constitution of the world was Vedas. Now people have made their own constitutions and now they should be respected. The arrangement for everything like safety, security, respect for women, etc. is with God. He has made for varnns (Brahmin, Kshatriya, Vaishya and...

Brief Summary of Preach – May 11, 2019

Swamiji continued Yajyen from 10th mandal of Rigveda. Swamiji started with Yajyen by explaining that ‘Bina Karan ke koi Karya nahi’ that means that without reason no act happens. He asked people to focus on ‘Shrutam’ (listen Vedas), Swaha (put...

Brief Summary of Preach – May 10, 2019

We have to understand the meaning of words by our own wisdom. For example, the word aatma can be used for both soul and God. The meaning should be interpreted by qualities. When we are born, we are foolish. God has done immense benevolence to us by giving us the...