Brief Summary of Preach – May 26, 2019

Swamiji continued the preach today from Atharvaveda: Morning Yajyen You can destroy all sins if you really understand what is Yajyen. The time that you spend in Yajyen is your tapah and last with you for even for the next birth. These days people die early. As per...

Brief Summary of Preach – May 25, 2019

YouTube Live Morning Yajyen Evening Yajyen God gives inspiration to come in Yajyen and to donate. He has unlimited deeds – he gives body and calls soul back. He does the creation. He has unlimited qualities. He is in everyone. That’s why we can walk and earth etc. are...

Brief Summary of Preach – May 24, 2019

Aahutis of Samved are considered best for praying – upsana and stuti. You should create a congenial environment. No one should interfere in anyone’s life. You should not point out anyone’s mistakes. If you notice a mistake, you can report. If someone says that it is...

Brief Summary of Preach – May 23, 2019

Even if you take 4 crore births, you won’t be able to stop corruption. If you follow Vedas, then the indriyan come in sanyam. Then corruption will stop. Yajyen is priceless. You have been hearing about Yajyen since 1978. A lot of you have learnt yogabhayas here. I...

Brief Summary of Preach – May 22, 2019

YouTube Live Stream of May 22, 2019 morning Tadev: we should become Vidvaan. We shouldn’t become stupid. One truth (God) but Viprah say many names of it. Viprah and not ordinary people. You should listen from Rishi. Gyaan Roop Swabhav Karm.. His name is Agni. In...

Brief Summary of Preach – May 21, 2019

In these mantras there is Stuti, Upasana and Prarthana. Also, people who have taken deeksha, if they chant mantras, it has a value. If you do jaap, even for one hour, it will benefit you tremendously. It is important to maintain purity in the ashram. Impurity isn’t...

Brief Summary of Preach – May 20, 2019

To listen Vedas is tapah. If you listen Vedas then other translations then it is fine. When the pralay happens, all the books will be destroyed. The knowledge of Rishi’s book will remain. If you read Samhita, it is not Vedas. When pralay happens in the next Shristi,...

Brief Summary of Preach – May 19, 2019

Yajyen is Vishnu – name of God. Without Yajyen there is no other way to get out of dukh. Avidya- dukheshu sukah, people think that dukh is sukh. Even murderers think that they are sukhi. God is Supreme Judge. He doesn’t need witnesses. He is inside you and...

Brief Summary of Preach – May 18, 2019

A lot mistakes happen in Ashram. Why does it happen? It shouldn’t happen. It means no one really loves Guru. It is just selfishness. You should not have this ego. You have no respect for Gurudarbar. You should be scared of blaming the ashram or Rishi’s family. Why you...