Suvidha: महाराज जी आपको मेरा श्रृद्धा भाव से प्रणाम। महाराज जी मैं श्रीमद् भगवदगीता का अध्यन कर रही थी तो गीता में शलोक 1/15 में भीम को भयानक कर्म करने वाला कहा हैं। महाराज जी भीमसेन यदि कोई भी कर्म करते थे तो धर्म के मार्ग पर चलकर ही करते थे तो उनको भयानक कर्म करने...
Swami Ram Swarupji conducted Yajyen from Ved mantras. In his divine preach, he shared: Today we talk about Sri Ram but no one follows his path. Sri Krishna also says that to attain siddhi in hardly anyone in lakhs or crores, makes an effort. When Sri Krishna was...
God says that you should become Yogi and Yogini. You don’t listen carefully and are not jigyasu Eshaye Yoni – they give pleasure. No one wishes for sadness but it comes. There is a lack of proper listening of Vedas. Today I am explaining about Yogabhyas. Yajurved is...
Swami Ram Swarupji conducted Yajyen and shared his divine preach. In his preach, he said: If you do Yajyen and havan since young age then you will not be affected by diseases at an old age. Yajyen is when you go to the ashram of a Rishi and listen Vedas. The rule made...
Swami Ram Swarupji conducted Yajyen from Ved mantras. In his divine preach, he shared: People rarely remember about God. He gives us everything. After we are born, people get knowledge of their relatives like mother, father, uncle, etc. They get troubles in life only...
By Swami Ram Swarupji, Yogacharya Amongst the human-beings, when a person, after listening and studying the vedic thought becomes capable to know alive and non-alive matters of universe perfectly and thus becomes aspirant, then he must desire to realize God. You see,...
Edward: Pranam Swami, why is it that in most verses of the Vedas eg -Atharvaveda 01/16/04 three animals are not to be kill, the cow, the horse and human being, and why other animal – like the pig, dog, vulture etc are not protected. And also in the days of...
By Swami Ram Swarup, Yogacharya Next to God, the universe is indebted to girl child, who transforms into woman, first for life itself and then for making it worth having it. Margaret Mead says- Every time we liberate a girl child, we liberate a man. Ironically, the...
Earlier children would take Vedic knowledge and then enter Grahastha. People are unable to get complete knowledge. Even if they do not get complete knowledge, a lot is needed to realise and to make their life a success. People who listen Vedas, keep doing Yajyen and...
Swamiji conducted weekly Yajyen, conducted on every Monday. In his preach, he said: You should sit in dhyaan for at least an hour daily. Less than that you will not achieve and will take a long time. Yajyen is bigger than dhyaan. It has stuti and you can chant the...