जो भी संगत, श्रध्दालु 17 से 19 मार्च, 2020 के यज्ञानुष्ठान में आना चाहते थे, कोरोना वायरस के भारत में फैलने के कारण, अपना-अपना टिकट को कैन्सल करवा लें, सभी श्रध्दालु, विशेष करदिल्ली, मुम्बई, यूपी, बिहार, देहरादून, जम्मू, हि.प्र. व अन्य स्थानों से आने वाली संगत अपना...
All these jadi bootiyan can be crushed and added to havan samagri. These are helpful in stopping Coronavirus: Kasturi, Kesar, Agar-tagar, Chandan, Jatamasi, Elaychi, Jayfal, Javitri, Googal, Nagarotha, Balchhad, Sugandhbala, Dalchini, Jau, Giloya, Chuara, Badam,...
As per Vedas, God eradicates diseases. In the mantra, “Om Ishetvorjetva” mantra (Yajurveda 1/1), there is a prayer that ‘ayaksha ma va styen’ that God should eradicate infectious diseases and thieves. The condition for eradication of diseases...
Edward: Pranam Swamiji, Rig Veda 06/09/04 states that God and soul reside within the human body, if God reside in all human body can you please prove that God is one since he is in all individual body. And my second question is vanar in Sanskrit is monkey, also vanar...
Swamiji conducted Yajyen from Ved mantras. In his divine preach, he shared: We come after taking birth to realise but only a few people do kadar (appreciate) these days. Service is the biggest dharm. If you are doing havan and Acharya comes, then you can leave havan...
Swamiji conducted Yajyen from Ved mantras. In his divine preach, he shared: Till the last moment you should do Yajyen. Suteekshan Rishi has been described in Ramayan. He left his body while doing Yajyen. Shabri kept doing Yajyen till the last time. This is the matter...
Ved Mandir had setup a booth to promote Vedic Books by Swami Ram Swarupji at World Book Fair 2020 at Pragati Maidan. It was widely visited by those interested in Vedic literature. It was completely managed by disciples that were currently in New Delhi. The booth was...
Bhajans by Swami Ram Swarupji are available at the YouTube Channel – रसना झरे ब्रह्म रस. For your convenience, several playlists are also created with different CDs.
Rahil: Guruji Pranam, my question is – At present times when we find it difficult to learn and remember even a single chapter, how was it possible in ancient times when students used to learn entire Vedas without any mistake and passed on the knowledge to the...
Swamiji conducted Yajyen from Ved Mantras. In his divine preach, he shared: God has blessings on you that you can come for annual Yajyen and new year Yajyen. Human body is made for Yajyen. You should donate as per your potential. God doesn’t get pleased by Yogabhyas...