Swami Ram Swarupji, Yogacharya and Founder President, Ved Mandir – Yol, has released ‘Vedon Se Jharta Sanatan Satya’ (in Hindi). It is a landmark book that is full of Vedic knowleddge. The book has been compiled with the efforts of Supriya didi. The...
By Swami Ram Swarupji, Yogacharya After completion of the time of final destruction, God creates universe and simultaneously originates the knowledge of four Vedas in the heart of four Rishis because in the absence of vedic knowledge, human-beings would remain...
Swamiji conducted Yajyen from Ved Mantras. In his divine preach, he shared: It is good that people have Shraddha and they have started understanding the importance of Yajyen. You understand Yajyen and come for Yajyen. As much as Yajyen you do, problems get over. These...
Swamiji conducted Yajyen from Ved Mantras. In his divine preach, he shared: The orders of God cannot be changed. I do Yajyen so that my disciples and the world prosper. There are many publications that are online on Arya Samaj. They have done good promotion. The books...
Due to the increasing effect of Coronavirus, the government has put a ban on every function, religious functions and large gatherings. Keeping this in mind, Swami Ram Swarupji, Yogacharya has instructed that the Yajyen that were supposed to happen in Ved Mandir, will...
By Swami Ram Swarupji, Yogacharya According to Ved, Shastras, Upnishads, the tradition of worship is that worshipper goes to religious places, prays and submits his tensions, worries, sorrows, family problems etc. before God and that too alone. But now mostly women go...
Komal: Thank you so much for the answer, I have one more question to ask, how do you control negative thoughts in your mind, when you feel too much negativity in you, how do you get did of that and stain peace. Thank you for taking your time and answering my questions...
जो भी संगत, श्रध्दालु 17 से 19 मार्च, 2020 के यज्ञानुष्ठान में आना चाहते थे, कोरोना वायरस के भारत में फैलने के कारण, अपना-अपना टिकट को कैन्सल करवा लें, सभी श्रध्दालु, विशेष करदिल्ली, मुम्बई, यूपी, बिहार, देहरादून, जम्मू, हि.प्र. व अन्य स्थानों से आने वाली संगत अपना...
All these jadi bootiyan can be crushed and added to havan samagri. These are helpful in stopping Coronavirus: Kasturi, Kesar, Agar-tagar, Chandan, Jatamasi, Elaychi, Jayfal, Javitri, Googal, Nagarotha, Balchhad, Sugandhbala, Dalchini, Jau, Giloya, Chuara, Badam,...