स्वामी राम स्वरूप जी यज्ञ कराते हुए ओ३म् यद्देवानां मित्रमहः पुरोहितोऽन्तरो यासि दूत्यम् । सिन्धोरिव प्रस्वनितास ऊर्मयोऽग्नेर्भ्राजन्ते अर्चयः ॥ (ऋग्वेद मंत्र १/४४/१२) इसमें परमेश्वर की महिमा है| जैसे परमेश्वर सबका मित्र है, वह किसी से राग द्वेष नहीं करता, सिर्फ...
The aahutis that are put stay with you for several births. Some Rishis took 30,000 or 20,000 births. Sri Krishna also said that the realisation is after ‘Bahunaam Janmnaam Ante’ – after many many births. You should just focus on attaining Devyoni. We should...
God has unlimited qualities. You know several qualities of God from Vedas now. You cannot go in the wrong direction. Which is the Dev that again gives the darshan of mother and father? That is God. After death one gets a new birth. As per the deeds, God gives the...
अनुष्ठान की महान पुण्यवान आहुतियों को डालो| यह ऋग्वेद है इसमें सारे पदार्थों का ज्ञान है और साथ में ईश्वर का भी ज्ञान है| अर्थ भी जरूरी है| आपको यह याद रहे| यह साथ जाता है क्योंकि यह अमृतवान है| ओ३म् इळा सरस्वती मही तिस्रो देवीर्मयोभुवः। बर्हिः...
ARKNAHA – The Vidvaan (knowledgeable of Vedas) who sing Vedas. Without singing, nothing gets perfected (सिद्ध). To do God’s praise (स्तुति) is His worship. Brahma increases his progeny by giving them deeksha (दीक्षा – initiation). They (Brahma) speak the...