Anonymous: Pranam Swamiji, I would humbly like to ask a question regarding the Puranas. I have heard that the Puranas were considered to be true until the birth of Swami Dayanand Saraswati. However, I am confused about the beliefs of great acharyas like Adi...
Anirban: What does Atharva Veda 4th kand/ 7th anu- bakya/ 4th sukta/ 2nd shloka mean?Does it indicate that we will get females for enjoyment in heaven? Please swamiji answer this question. Swami Ram Swarup: Atharvaveda mantra kand 4 sukta 4 mantra 2 is – उदुषा...
Anonymous: Namaste Swami Ji. I watched a video on a devotee from a paurnik organisation there he states that Atharveda mentions Puranasa and quotes 11.7.24. I have his explanation and the link to his video. The references which clearly reveals that the Puranas and...
Anonymous: Respected, I read a long time ago in a Buddhist encyclopedia, I quote: “The Vedas include several myths in which the gods commit immoral acts; e.g. Agni, Brahmā and Prajāpati.” How do you interpret that? Thank you very much for the explanation....
DS: Guruji yajurved 23/19 mantra there are 2 famous bhashyas of this mantra, first one is Mahidara, 2nd is Swami Dayanand ji. Mahidara came up with a gory meaning, while Swamiji got anything else. They both read Sanskrit grammar then why is this difference? Mahidara...
Anonymous: पूज्य गुरुदेव, सपरिवार दंडवत वंदना 🙇♂️🙇♂️🙇♂️ गुरुजी आपकी पुस्तक ब्रह्मचर्य दुःख निवारक दिव्य मणि के पृष्ठ संख्या 66 पर लिखा है की प्रातः सांय दोनो समय अग्निहोत्र/यज्ञ करे और सायंकाल का भोजन सूर्यास्त से पहले करे अब मेरा प्रश्न यह है की माना की शाम को 6...
Anonymous: 1. Was Adi Shankaracharya against Vedic rituals? Was he the founder of Advaita Vedant? Swami Ram Swarup: Aadi Guru Shankaracharya ji was learned of Vedas. Anonymous: 2. After listening that idol worship is banned as per Vedas, I have started fearing and...
Subham: Yajurveda 23/21 Swami Ram Swarup: Yajurveda mantra 23/21 speaks to give punishment to evil persons. Mantra preaches to the king that O! king he/she who is adulterer those (men and women) are to be punished by hanging upside down and in the public destroy...
HK: Namaste acharya ji. Is gotra system mentioned in vedas? If yes then why we don’t marry in same gotra? How many varnas(caste) are there? Please share verses which can be used to end caste based discrimination. Thanks a lot acharya ji. Swami Ram Swarup: My...
RD: Why should I only believe in Dayanand philosophy on Vedic life, all other great acharya like shankaracharya, ramanujacharya, madhvacharya, believed in God with form and formless God? Swami Ram Swarup: If you don’t want to believe on respected Dayanand ji, it is...