Vasu: Swamiji Namaskaram. As you mentioned Quran was revealed 1500 yrs ago, but what Muslims say is the Adam and Eve are the 1st mankind on the earth and they are Muslim, so we all are their bloodline and we all also Muslims and every living and non living thing on...
By Swami Ram Swarup, Yogacharya Several divine qualities in respect of Bhagwan Ram have already been described in my previous two articles. Valmikiji, in his Ramayan, has quoted Sri Ram’s qualities, at every step of his narration. Actually, Brahmaji requested...
Arvind: Pranaams Swamiji, Thank you very much for your caring reply. You are saying something very fundamental and basic but at the same time, very profound. From your videos, I am to understand that Temple Worship and Idol Worship, is not Vedic. In that case,...
Vasu: Vedas says God is one , but why there are many Gods in Sanathanadharma. Vedas says ” Na tasya Prathima Asthi”, I think it means there is no Image or no Idol for God, Please correct me if I am wrong. If Vedas says Idol worship is wrong why we are...
Abhishek: त्रिवार वंदना 🙏🙏🙏 शुभ-कर्म, यम, नियम, आसन, प्राणायाम का ज्ञान हम कहसे प्राप्त करे, कृपा कर मार्गदर्शन करे. Swami Ram Swarup: मेरा आपको आशीर्वाद, बेटा। बेटा, आपके प्रश्न का answer तो हम बार बार वेदों से सुनाते रहते हैं की ज्ञान का पहला दाता ईश्वर है, जिसने...
Gajraj Singh: Swamiji Namaskar! Would you please clarify the difference between Astrology and Astronomy? As far as I know Astrology is purely Pauranik and Astronomy is pure Vedic, would you please, elaborate more on Astrology as it has become very conventional these...
Swami Ram Swarup, YogacharyaThe story of Valmiki Ramayan begins with the words that once Rishi Valmikiji who was ascetic asked Rishi Naradji, who was engrossed in austerity, continuous study of Vedas, expert amongst orators and supreme amongst Munis that...
DSS: गुरुजी को मेरा दंडोत्वत चरण स्पर्श। स्वामीजी क्या यह possible है यदि ब्रह्मऋषि focus करें for exp. सुशांत का murder या suicide? कहने का मतलब उसकी यथा स्थिति क्या है यह ब्रह्मऋषि जान सकता है। दूसरा सवाल है, suicide करना वेद विरुद्ध है? मरने के बाद उनकी क्या...
जो भी यज्ञ करता है उसको ईश्वर सारे सुख देता है। इसलिए ईश्वर ने यह प्रार्थना बनाई है कि हे मनुष्य! मुझसे रोज प्रार्थना करो कि – हे प्रभु! हमें यज्ञ की प्रेरणा दे। भगवान ने कहा कि यज्ञ से श्रेष्ठ कर और कुछ भी नहीं है। हर चीज से, हर पल से, बड़े ऊंचे ऊंचे पद के...