Anonymous: What is Manusmriti? Swami Ram Swarup: Respected Manuji was a great Rishi who knew knowledge of four Vedas. So Manuji based on the knowledge of Vedas had written a book named Manusmriti which is full of Vedic knowledge. Several arrogants have added their...
Boodhun: Can special prayers be performed at home during pitri paksh such as birthday havan? Swami Ram Swarup: Yes you may perform special prayer. However, the agnihotra from Ved mantras is in fact give blessings to us. Anonymous: Pranaam maharaj ji, main aap se...
VidyaSagar: Hi Guruji, it took 5 years to learn just 20 sutras. Further progress is going very slow as I progress. Mean time I have a question to you. GOD is perfect and created the Dharma very Strong, Then why some say, that GOD punishes/blesses? He has that...
Mei Kam: Dear Guruji, as per your preaching, parents should pass on Vedic knowledge to their kids apart form providing them materialistic things. Then how should we do it? (e.g. at what age should parents tell kids about Vedic knowledge? in what ways parents can help...
Ashish: Swamiji Namaste! Swamiji i want to know do we get energy from calories that we intake or from the vital forces in our body, which gets charged during sleep i.e Aatma. As many say Aatma is the source of energy. Is food a source of energy or it just helps in...
Anupam: गुरुजी सादर प्रणाम।गुरुजी गीता के श्लोक यदा यदा ही धर्मस्य ग्लानिर्भवति का अर्थ आपके द्वारा भावार्थ की गई वैदिक गीता से पढ़ रही थी कि जब धर्म की हानि होती है तब मैं आत्मा को रचता हूँ। गुरुजी पढ़ने पर समझ आया कि मुक्त आत्माएं 24 प्रकार की सामर्थ्य से युक्त रहती...
Anonymous: Difference between spirituality and religion? Is inter religion marriage accepted? Swami Ram Swarup: Yes Vedas accept inter religion marriage because Vedas have not made any religion. Spirituality to follow Vedas path is true because it emanates direct from...
Anonymous: Baba ji pranam! Hey pitamah jis tarah hamara janam ishwar prapti ke liye hua hai iska paryay hai ki ham sabko apne guru ke aashram me jakar unki seva karke gyan prapt karna chaiye. Fir ye parivar ka sukh ku important hai. Ye to hmara lakshay nahi h. Kripa...
स्वामी राम स्वरूप: क्षमा करें। आप सबके जवाब देने में देर हुई और भूल हो गयी। अर्पित: स्वामी जी नमस्ते 🙏 मुझे आप के पास आ के ज्ञान लेना है। मैं 18 साल का हूँ। अभी मैं क्या करूँ? मम्मी-पापा तो कभी नहीं आने देंगे तब मैं क्या करूँ? प्लीझ बताइये। स्वामी राम स्वरूप: बेटा...
Anoymous: I want to pursue my career as an actor or modeling in Mumbai. My mother supports my decision but my father against it so what should I do? Swami Ram Swarup: Aashirwad beta. To enable us to send a proper reply, can you please send your good photograph or any...