Swami Ram Swarupji conducted the Yajyen on December 29, 2022. Here is the brief summary of his preach: ए॒षो ह॑ दे॒वः प्र॒दिशोऽ नु॒ सर्वाः॒ पूर्वो॑ ह जा॒तः सऽ उ॒ गर्भे॑ऽ अ॒न्तः। सऽ ए॒व जा॒तः स ज॑नि॒ष्यमा॑णः प्र॒त्यङ् जना॑स्तिष्ठति स॒र्वतो॑मुखः ॥ (यजुर्वेद मंत्र –...
Smrity: Where can I learn all the ved puran? Swami Ram Swarup: Vedas is the knowledge which emanates direct from God in the beginning of the earth. Purans are written by men and are generally opposite to Vedas, so learned of Vedas do not accept puran. Vedas can be...
Swami Ram Swarupji conducted the Yajyen on December 21, 2022. Here is the brief summary of his preach: देव – वेद का ज्ञाता, अष्टांग योग साधना का ज्ञाता और साधना करने वाला “देव” कहलाता है। देव ही ईश्वर को प्राप्त कर सकता है। अन्य कोई ईश्वर को प्राप्त...
Swami Ram Swarupji conducted the Yajyen on December 20, 2022. Here is the brief summary of his preach: श्रीश्च॑ ते ल॒क्ष्मीश्च॒ पत्न्या॑वहोरा॒त्रे पा॒र्श्वे नक्ष॑त्राणि रू॒पम॒श्विनौ॒ व्यात्त॑म्। इ॒ष्णन्नि॑षाणा॒मुं म॑ऽइषाण सर्वलो॒कं म॑ऽइषाण ॥ (यजुर्वेद मंत्र –...
Swami Ram Swarupji conducted the Yajyen on December 18, 2022. Here is the brief summary of his preach: तदे॒वाग्निस्तदा॑दि॒त्यस्तद्वा॒युस्तदु॑ च॒न्द्रमाः॑। तदे॒व शु॒क्रं तद् ब्रह्म॒ ताऽआपः॒ स प्र॒जाप॑तिः ॥ यजुर्वेद मंत्र – 32/1 वह परमेश्वर- सर्वव्यापक,अकायम...
Swami Ram Swarupji conducted the Yajyen on December 17, 2022. Here is the brief summary of his preach: अ॒द्भ्यः सम्भृ॑तः पृथि॒व्यै रसा॑च्च वि॒श्वक॑र्मणः॒ सम॑वर्त्त॒ताग्रे॑। तस्य॒ त्वष्टा॑ वि॒दध॑द् रू॒पमे॑ति॒ तन्मर्त्य॑स्य देव॒त्वमा॒जान॒मग्रे॑ ॥ (यजुर्वेद मंत्र –...
Swami Ram Swarupji conducted the Yajyen on December 11, 2022. Here is the brief summary of his preach: रु॒चं ब्रा॒ह्मं ज॒नय॑न्तो दे॒वाऽअग्रे॒ तद॑ब्रुवन्। यस्त्वै॒वं ब्रा॑ह्म॒णो वि॒द्यात् तस्य॑ दे॒वाऽअ॑स॒न् वशे॑ ॥ (यजुर्वेद मंत्र – 31/21) हे जिज्ञासु सुनो! यदि...
Swami Ram Swarupji conducted the Yajyen on November 20, 2022. Here is the brief summary of his preach: यज्ञ के लिए चाहे प्राण भी चले जाए। यज्ञ आखरी दम तक करने चाहिए। इस संसार में भाग्यवान वही है जो ईश्वर के अलौकिक नामों से उनके लिए आहुति डालता है। आजकी दुनिया वेदों के...