Anonymous: How to overcome fear of failure? Should we care about the people around us? What’s the purpose of life? Swami Ram Swarup: To control over fear of failure and about the care of people around us daily yogabhayas is necessary, it will control the mind...
Anagha: Charansparsh Acharya ji. In Mahabharat, did Ulupi and Chitrangada, who are described as Arjun’s wives, exist? My doubt arises because Ulupi’s story seems clearly impossible for a Brahmachari like Arjun to do, and even Chitrangada’s story has inconsistencies....
Anonymous: Is it true that the Vedas (the Rigveda, the Yajurveda, the Samaveda and the Atharvaveda), the Samhitas, the Brahmanas, the Aranyakas, the Upanishads and the Sutra literature allow the possibility of suicide as stated in that article? Swami Ram Swarup: No...
Anonymous: Swamiji Pranam. Swamiji I am 21 years old. 6 years ago I was diagnosed with cervical spondylosis (neck pain), vitamin D and calcium deficiency due to which my height growth stopped. My parents and grandparents are very tall but I couldn’t grow to my full...
Anonymous: Does Bhavaishya Puran mention about Islam? My friend also has told me that Islam believe in other religions that came before it, and believe that they were corrupted throughout time, there’s no religion that does that while staying intolerant toward...
Anonymous: Namaste guru ji. Is it a sin to give dance performance like classical dance Bharatanatyam?I am a performer and someone told me in Vedas dancing and singing is sin? Swami Ram Swarup: Yes beti, in Vedas dancing is prohibited. My blessing to you my dear...
Anonymous: I am a Jain but I like reading the Vedas, now I know Jainism is completely fine with that but what about Vedanta? Does it allow someone from another religion like Jainism to read and learn Vedas. Another question relation to the last one, what do the Vedas...
Anonymous: What do the Vedas say about eating root vegetables?Swami Ram Swarup: First of all we must remember that our rishi-munis lived in the caves in jungle used to eat root vegetables, it means root vegetables are eatable. YG: Namaste guruji….hearing to your...
Anonymous: Respected, 1) Are there many other places in the Rig veda, Yajur veda, Sama veda and the Atharva veda where God speaks directly? Swami Ram Swarup: Yes please, there is another example. In this connection Atharvaveda mantra 4/30/1 to 9 refer....
RC: Guruji What should be the principles for taking decision in life. Swami Ram Swarup: Dear son for taking decision in the life we must follow preach of four Vedas under guidance of a learned acharya. MV: Swami I want translations of all four Vedas, ( rigveda,...