Kiran: I am confused whether heaven and hell exist or not and I fear jahannam please help me in overcome fear.

Swami Ram Swarup: Beti in Vedas there is no mention about heaven and hell so these are false. Rigveda mantra 10/135/1,2 throw light that we have taken birth here to face the result of our own karmas (deeds) of the past lives and the deeds which will be done in present life will have to be borne in next births. So, when we bear the result of pious deeds we experience happiness and vice-versa.  So, no question of heaven or hell.

Anonymous: 1) How many wives and children did Krishna have according to Mahābhārata and Harivamśa?

Swami Ram Swarup: Krishan Maharaj had three sons and two wives.

Anonymous: 2) Did Krishna have relations with women according to Mahābhārata and Harivamśa?

Swami Ram Swarup: No please.

Anonymous: 3) How many wives and children did Rāma have according to Rāmāyaṇa?

Swami Ram Swarup: Shri Ram had one wife and two sons.

Anonymous: 4) Did Rāma have sexual relations with women according to Rāmāyaṇa?

Swami Ram Swarup: No please.