Anonymous: Respected,

 1) Are there many other places in the Rig veda, Yajur veda, Sama veda and the Atharva veda where God speaks directly?

Swami Ram Swarup: Yes please, there is another example. In this connection Atharvaveda mantra 4/30/1 to 9 refer.

Anonymous: 2) What is the percentage of places where God speaks directly in the Vedas?

Swami Ram Swarup: It is a lengthy task and sorry I have no time to count being busy in other spiritual matters like performing yaj with ved mantras daily two or three times. I am chief editor of a magazine named “Ved Ishwariya Vani” and have to do hard job for it. I have written about 50 spiritual books based on Vedic culture and still writing daily another book. And daily meetings with public etc.

Anonymous: 3) Are there many, many places in the Vedic scriptures where it is written that there is only one God?

Thanks in advance for the explanation!

All the best!

Swami Ram Swarup: Yes, there are several places in the Vedas where it is clarified that there in only one God. Atharvaveda 13/4/15-18.

Rigveda 1/164/46, 1/7/10, 6/50/14.

Yajurveda mantra 13/4, 23/3,  etc.

My blessings to you my dear son.