Vinay: Dandavat Pranam swamyji, please tell me whether Vedas support Vaastu shastra and Astrology. Heaps thanks in advance.
Swami Ram Swarup: My blessings to you. No, please. Matter of vaastu Shastra and astrology do not exist in Vedas, so vedas donot support the same, being unauthentic.
Satyam: Charan Sparsh swamiji. Please tell us meaning of following shloka
(Om pakshi jayanya patati sa aavishti purusham|
Tadakshitasya bheshajmubhayo sukshtasya cha|
{Atharved 7/50}
Swami Ram Swarup: My blessings to you. The T.B disease generated from excess meeting of opposite sex is infectious disease. Therefore, it spreads all over like a bird that flies to several places. This disease enters the whole body of a human-being.
In the next mantra, the medicine of the T.B disease is mentioned i.e., by doing Agnihotra/Yajyen the disease can be destroyed.