Anonymous: I am finding Gayatri mantra hard. Should I do one that I find easy to recite?
Swami Ram Swarup: My blessings to you, my daughter. My daughter, Almighty God has made fundamentals of universe in the shape of four Vedas. In one of those fundamentals which should also be learnt by human-being attentively. Almighty God states that-
“Huge mountains, flowing rivers, oceans, sky and even Rishi-munis and yogis, who have realized Me(God), have also no power to change any of my fundamentals.(in this connection Rigveda mantra 3/56/1 refers).
Therefore no question of easiness etc. We have to follow the fundamentals of Vedas in letter and spirit.
Here, it should also be learnt that definition of sins and pious deeds as given in Vedas and shastras is this that pious deeds is to follow Vedas and to go against the Vedas, is a grave sin.
We can also understand this by a worldly example that fundamentals of physics, chemistry and maths (science) which relate to Vedas are also unchangeable for example the algebraic formula
(a+b)2 = a2+b2+2ab
Which is unchangeable in entire world. Similarly, Trigonometry, statistics and chemical formulae like H2Oetc., are unchangeable.
Yes, several students cry that maths, physics or chemistry is tough subject but based on the said students’ views formulae can never be changed. So is in the case of Vedic fundamentals that the worship explained in Vedas like reciting of Gayatri mantra along with its meaning etc.,are unchangeable in universe. Those, who leave the Vedic path by saying that it is difficult path and make their own path are liable to be punished by God, as stated in Vedas.
Raju: Hi … greetings of the day…… I heard according to Vedas, God is limitless, he has no shape, no size, no statue, He is immortal& most powerful, then my question is who is Beamha, Vishnu & Lord Shiv, Maa Durga etc & much more god & their statue is also available, & every hindu also worship them….. What is true & On whom I should beleive? Please reply as soon as possible
Swami Ram Swarup: My blessing to you.
Yes, Almighty God has unlimited names and power etc. as regards Brahma, Vishnu, Mahesh, I paste my article below:-
Are Brahma, Vishnu, Mahesh Gods?
Brahma, Vishnu, Mahesh are not God. Vedas tell that there is only one formless God who never takes birth. He creates, nurses and destroys the universe. His power is enough to create and control the whole universe. He is Almighty i.e., He has all unlimited powers and therefore He does not
need any assistance to create, nurse and destroy the universe by Brahma, Vishnu, Mahesh. If God needs assistance then He will not be called Almighty. So God does not need any support but we all humans as well as all living beings need His support and blessings every time.
However, in Vedas,there are innumerable names of Almighty God according to His divine qualities. So Brahma, Vishnu, Mahesh etc., are also the names of the formless Almighty God. Brahma means the greatest. Vishnu means omnipresent and Mahesh means the greatest.
It is the personal matter of worship or not to worship. So atheists are also there. But it is very clear that God in Vedas as clarified that He Has blessed the human being with human body to worship and realise God. Nobody can attain happy life in the absence of worship of God. One more
thing is clear from Vedas in which God states –Oh man/woman you live on the earth given by God and all comforts provided by the God. And if you do not remember/worship God then it is sin and punishment is awarded by the God.
Very few persons know that present science has also come out from Vedas, especially Rigveda. The knowledge of Vedas also emanates from God.
So, it is clear that scientist also enjoy science which is given by God. God is not only the matter of blind faith. It is the matter of discussion with a learned acharya of Vedas and Yoga philosophy who from Vedas, shastras and Upnishads etc., and scientifically also prove the existence of God. For
example- we see the creation and can think deeply that who has created it or is it a job of man/woman, scientist etc.,then automatically after long discussion we would reach on the conclusion that men/women/scientist have not created the universe and then He who has created is called Almighty God.
Vishnuis also a name of formless, Almighty God based on quality. Quality is a sunder- “Vishnu” word is made from“Vishlari” Dhatu and the sense of Vishlari” is omnipresent. So he who has the quality of being Omnipresent at all times without a second’s break, He is Vishnu and no other Vishnu exists equivalent to this God. Similarly, Brahma=“Vri Vridhau” i.e., the biggest amongst the universe. Naturally, He is Almighty God. So, the name of Almighty God is also Brahma. Similarly, according to Yajurveda mantra 16/41 shiv means he who is beneficial/causes welfare, is shiv. The most beneficial, who creates and nurses the universe is Almighty God. So, Shiv is also name of Almighty God.
Similarly in Vedas no worship of any devi-devtas,nakshtras etc., is mentioned. Due to lack of knowledge of Vedas we do not worship Formless, Almighty God, instead we worship others. I also paste another article in his regard.
God is formless
Being formless there is no need of statue or temple of God according to Vedas. As a matter offact, you, I or every human being, lives in a body. Body is separate, we are called souls. Vedas say soul has no form even. Then also we know each other. For example even if you have not seen the
photograph of King Akbar then, you can know Akbar by means of the study of his qualities. So is the case with the God. If an aspirant really goes to his Guru and listens Vedas like Shri Ram,and ancient kings and their public then he will be able to know hundred percent about formless God.
Then comes realization for which Vedas (especially Samveda) says that he who performs Yajyen, does jaap (according to Vedas) and practises Ashtang Yoga Philosophy while remaining in family like Shri Ram etc., he sure realizes, being eternal law.
If we will meditate concentrating outside our body which is also against Vedas/Ashtang Yoga Philosophy, then our attention will always naturally remain outside i.e., attached with outer world i.e.,decoration/music/dances etc. In that case subject matter of God will be over. It will be
converted into spending fun, doing dances and singing attractive songs by ladies and gents, which is totally against Vedas. Thus the chapter ofpraising God, True Acharya, Rishi-Munis, performing Yajyen, practice of AshtangYoga, eternal knowledge of Vedas etc., will be over.
It is also baseless to say that study of Vedas and practice of yoga philosophy is difficult. It is self made story because Vedas are also called Shruti i.e., Vedas are to be listened first and not to be studied. So to listen to the Vedas, a learned Acharya is needed. The Acharya will explain the Ved
mantras in the Yajyen in your own language i.e., in English or Urdu etc., and for an aspirant to do asan, pranayaam, meditation, etc., is also not difficult. It is all difficult for those human beings, including present false prophets, (who are against the Vedas), who are lazy,can’t awake early in
the morning to listen Vedas and fail to do practice ofyoga philosophy. Those people are always after money, materialistic articles and pomp and show etc.
Vedas are not written or spoken by God. This knowledge is emanated from God andis originated in the heart of four Rishis as stated above. God is Almighty i.e., He has all powers. So He needs no assistance to do deeds of universe. Inhuman body alive soul resides and soul is dependent, soul
requires mouth to speak, eye to see, hand to write etc., etc. but not God. From His power God originates the knowledge of Vedas in the rishis without writing, or speaking etc. Vedas’ knowledge is divine. The fundamental of the Vedas is this that it was not written or spoken. The knowledge
by the power of God was originated about one Arab 96 crore, 8 lakhand 53,111 years ago. Then first time the four rishis of nonsexual creation started pronunciation of the mantras by the power of God. God wanted them to know word meanings and sense of the mantras and therefore the rishis knew all. Then first time the four rishis started pronunciation of the mantras. They taught the mantras to other ignorant people.
Then more rishis were produced who knew the Vedas by heart by listening only. There was no paper, ink or pen there. The Vedas were being learnt orally and traditionally this process is yet in force. But mostly not by heart but taking help of the printed book. So printed books are not called
Vedas but these are called samhita.
Samhita means the collection of Ved mantras. Therefore Present printed books cannot be considered as Vedas and will never be in future, but samhita. Kapil Muni throws light on this point in his Sankhya Shastra sutra 5/48 that when a rishi does tapsya in the shape of Yajyen, study of
Vedas, practice of Ashtang Yoga then the Ved mantras still (now also) originate in heart of the Rishi and the rishi pronounces the mantras. Those mantras are called Vedas,which emanate from God. So Vedas must first be listened (study) from aliveAcharya (Guru who knows Vedas). Then only
Samhita (books of Vedas) can help.
I am sorry , that I could not reply yours and questions of other loving readers early, due to fact that I wa sout of station for more than nine days to hold several Yajyen. Yesterday late night only I’ve reached back to Vedmandir.