Narendra Kumar: Swamiji, i want to know if we have to place SHIVALINGAM
facing sunrise when we do puja. I want also to know how to do this Shivlingam puja. Please swamiji response to my mail . I will waiting to hear from you.
Swami Ram Swarup: My blessings to you, my son. You can place shivling facing sunrise also. However, I would like to preach you about the eternal Vedas’ knowledge which emanates direct from God. In Vedas, there is only one God to be worshipped, who is formless, omnipresent, omniscient, creates, nurses and destroys the universe. My article on this matter is appended below-
God is formless
Being formless there is no need of statue or temple of God according to Vedas. As a matter of fact, you, I or every human being, lives in a body. Body is separate, we are called souls. Vedas say soul has no form even. Then also we know each other. For example even if you have not seen the photograph of King Akbar then, you can know Akbar by means of the study of his qualities. So is the case with the God. If an aspirant really goes to his Guru and listens Vedas like Shri Ram, and ancient kings and their public then he will be able to know hundred percent about formless God. Then comes realization for which Vedas (especially Samveda) says that he who performs Yajna, does jaap (according to Vedas) and practises Ashtang Yoga Philosophy while remaining in family like Shri Ram etc., he sure realizes ,being eternal law.
If we will meditate concentrating outside our body which is also against Vedas/Ashtang Yoga Philosophy, then our attention will always naturally remain outside i.e., attached with outer world i.e., decoration/music/dances etc. In that case subject matter of God will be over. It will be converted into spending fun, doing dances and singing attractive songs by ladies and gents, which is totally against Vedas. Thus the chapter of praising God, True Acharya, Rishi-Munis, performing Yajyen, practice of Ashtang Yoga, eternal knowledge of Vedas etc., will be over.
It is also baseless to say that study of Vedas and practice of yoga philosophy is difficult. It is self made story because Vedas are also called Shruti i.e., Vedas are to be listened first and not to be studied. So to listen to the Vedas, a learned Acharya is needed. The Acharya will explain the Ved mantras in the Yajna in your own language i.e., in English or Urdu etc., and for an aspirant to do asan, pranayaam, meditation etc., is also not difficult. It is all difficult for those human beings, including present false prophets, (who are against the Vedas), who are lazy, can’t awake early in the morning to listen Vedas and fail to do practice of yoga philosophy. Those people are always after money, materialistic articles and pomp and show etc.
Vedas are not written or spoken by God. This knowledge is emanated from God and is originated in the heart of four Rishis as stated above. God is Almighty i.e., He has all powers. So He needs no assistance to do universal deeds. In human body alive soul resides and soul is dependent, soul requires mouth to speak, eye to see, hand to write etc., etc. but not God. From His power God originates the knowledge of Vedas in the rishis without writing, or speaking etc. Vedas’ knowledge is divine. The fundamental of the Vedas is this that it was not written or spoken. The knowledge by the power of God was originated about one Arab 96 crore, 8 lakh and 53 000 years ago. Then first time the four rishis of unsexual creation started pronunciation of the mantras by the power of God. God wanted them to know word meanings and senses of the mantras and therefore the rishis knew all. Then first time the four rishis started pronunciation of the mantras. They taught the
mantras to other ignorant people. Then another rishis were produced who knew the Vedas by heart by listening only. There was no paper, ink or pen there. The Vedas were being learnt by mouth to mouth and traditionally this process is yet in force. But mostly not by heart but taking help of the printed book. So printed books are not called Vedas but these are called samhita.
Samhita means the collection of Ved mantras. Therefore Present printed books cannot be considered as Vedas and will never be in future, but samhita. Kapil Muni throws light on this point in his Sankhya Shastra 5/48 that when a rishi does tapsya in the shape of Yajyen, study of Vedas, practice of Ashtang Yoga then the Ved mantras still (now also) originate in heart of the Rishi and the rishi pronounces the mantras. Those mantras are called Vedas, which emanate from God. So Vedas must first be listened (study) from alive Acharya (Guru who knows Vedas). Then only Samhita (books of Vedas) can help.
Reason for idol worshiping
The God’s worship is in Vedas which emanate direct from God, wherein idol worship is not mentioned. I have previously quoted several examples that idol worship is not required. For-example you know me and I also know you, we both reside in bodies, being souls and souls are also shapeless. So we know each other, but how? Only on the basis of qualities and not on the basis of statue/photos etc. If you or I will try hard then we can also meet together. This is worldly example even.
So on the basis of the qualities of the God, as mentioned in Vedas, God is known and when an aspirant follows/obeys the path of Vedas i.e., worship, Ashtang yoga practice, listening of Vedas, Yajyen etc., under guidance of an acharya, then he attains samadhi i.e., realizes God too. So, as per Vedas, no need of idol worship.
If someone believes that God is everywhere then why does he avoid wine, smoking, theft, etc., etc. inside the temple and does outside? Actually realization is subject of deep study of Vedas and to observe thereon. Sagunn means with eternal qualities mentioned in Ved mantras because the meaning of Sa+Gunn means ‘with qualities’. So God has unlimited qualities like formless, omnipresent, etc., etc. and nirakar means shapeless. One can not break the rules and regulations of God mentioned in Vedas. Vedas are self-proof and cannot be denied.
As regards Brahma, Vishhnu , Mahesh my article regarding the same is appended below.
In Yajurveda it is stated —
“VISHNUHU (omnipresent God) PARMAM (the supreme) PADAM (stage) SADA (always) PASHYANTI (see) SURYOHO (yogi)”.
Meaning: – The Yogi who studies Vedas and does hard practice of ashtang Yoga Philosophy and as a result attain Dharm megh Samadhi, he only sees i.e., realises God.
Vishnu means –Omnipresent God. There are unlimited qualities of God and accordingly there are unlimited names of formless, God who creates, nurses and destroys the universe.
For example- Vishnu is the name of Almighty God containing the quality of being omnipresent. Brahm/Brahmaa is also the name of formless God containing the quality of being supreme i.e., there is no one even equivalent to God.
Mahesh is the name of formless God who contains the quality of being supreme, the creator.
Om:- is the name of God containing the unlimited qualities, one of which is He is the saviour of entire universe and so on.
Therefore God is one but His names are unlimited as stated above.
In Rigveda mantra 1/22/18, it is stated “VISHNNUHU TRINNI PADANI VICHAKRAME” i.e., (VISHNNU) God who is omnipresent (TRINNI) three (PADANI) matters or behaviour i.e., three types of matters or behaviour – first, which are known, second — to be known and third — which are achievable. (VICHAKRAME) holds.
Idea is that God creates the universe and in the universe, He creates several matters for the benefit of human-beings. Human-beings must know the matters and get the same for beneficial use. I mean to say that there may not be such three footsteps of Almighty God. There are unlimited names of God based on His divine unlimited qualities as is also stated in Rigveda mantra 1/164/46.
In the above Rigveda mantra, His name is quoted ‘Vishnu’. The meaning of pious word “VISHNU” is Vishlari Vyaptau Vishnu i.e., omnipresent. You know, omnipresent means, there is not even a minutest place in the universe where God does not reside. That is why, He is omnipresent. Secondly, the God is formless. Then from where the three footsteps came when God is omnipresent. He being formless, God doesnot have any foot etc. We will have to follow the path of eternal knowledge of Vedas which emanates direct from God and must not follow the self-created path of human-beings.
However, you at your own accord, may install the shivling and go ahead, please.
S S: Not getting a good match for my sister.
Swami Ram Swarup: Your parents must seek a good match for your sister at their level best. Whole family must also do havan daily with Gayatri mantra at least so that God may give His blessings to fulfill your pious desires.
How to do havan
Please sit in the morning to perform havan. Havan must be in sunlight then it is more beneficial. Then half a bowl of fresh water with a tablespoon must be with you with small twigs especially of mango tree if possible, havan samagri, ghee, camphor and match box must be there with you. Please sit on sukh asan on four times folded blanket and blanket must be on mat.
Sukh asan i.e., sit on duly folded feet in comfortable position. Then first close your eyes and concentrate between two eyebrows and chant Gayatri mantra three times within heart and not by mouth. Then open your eyes.
Take one spoon of water in right palm. Chant this mantra, OM AMRTO UPASTRANMASI SWAHA and drink the water which you have put in your palm. Then again take the spoon of water in right palm then chant the next mantra, OM AMRITA APIDHANMASI SWAHA, and drink the water. Then again take the water in right palm and chant the mantra, OM SATYAM YASHAH SHRI MAYI SHRI SHRAYTAAM SWAHA, and drink the water. Then wash the right palm while sitting, with the same water kept in bowl.
Then put the twigs into havan kund with one piece of camphor and burn it. During this process chant the Gayatri mantra again and again till such time the fire is lighted sufficiently. Then chant the Gayatri mantra and at the last add the word Swaha and offer ghee with tablespoon, quantity equivalent to 4 to 5 drops. And if you are alone then also offer in fire pinch of havan samagri from your right hand’s finger and thumb avoiding forefinger. So this offering may be of 11 times, 21 times or 51 times as the time suits. It is the simplest way and I have not quoted the complete method of Yajna. The havan with Ved mantras are always offered as the best worship of God only please. Do havan daily and both times.
Chanting Gayatri Mantra
Gayatri Mantra is in three Vedas please, i.e., in Rigveda, Samveda and Yajurveda. Samveda is sung when chanted, other than while performing Yajyen. So, Gayatri Mantra may also be sung.
Singing can be done anytime because God knows the pious ideas of anyone and He awards the result accordingly. Gayatri mantra can be chanted even without singing since it occurs in Rigveda and Yajurveda also, which are not sung. Secondly, Gayatri Mantra must be chanted by heart for getting more benefit. That is, it should be chanted by way of pranayaam. When we inhale and stop breathing within us then for such time, till we have stopped breathing, the Gayatri Mantra must be chanted. Then we must release the breath slowly, outside, and after releasing the full breath, we must stop the breath outside the body and during such period we must recite in heart the Gayatri Mantra by heart and the action must be repeated.
However, I would suggest that such practice must be first learnt personally from an Acharya. Secondly, when we sit on meditation on any suitable aasan then we must concentrate on Agya charka i.e., between the eyebrows and then we must repeat the Gayatri Mantra with the meaning of each word. This is the best way of meditation. I have written detailed comments on Patanjal Yog Darshan- Part I and II and have also described meditation therein, especially in sutra 3/1. I will advise you to study the book please.
J: I want to know whether a woman whose husband has illegal relations with the other woman, can assume another married man as her husband and even can live with him as wife.
Swami Ram Swarup: No, please. The woman cannot take another married man as husband, being a sin. However, this rule is applicable for both, men and women equally. So, if a man is doing sin, he will have to face the consequences. In the matter of deeds, everyone is responsible personally.