Swamiji preached during Yajyen from Ved Mantras: Today very few people are joined with this spiritualism. People are just after money. People don’t listen to Rishis. Rishis have experience of realising God. Udalak Rishi is telling his son that – you are that....
By Swami Ram Swarupji Yes, not a single materialistic article of the world like wealth, friend, relative or any family member can provide us happiness except Supreme power God; [Rigved mantra 1/67/4 refers].However, the above fundamental laws preached by God, to gain...
Swamiji conducted weekly Yajyen, conducted on every Monday. In his divine preach, he said: The one that we worship today is of Sri Krishna, Hanuman, etc. All these used to study Vedas, do Yajyen, took education of Vedas from Rishi and Munis, did agnihotra, etc. We...
Swamiji conducted the weekly Yajyen, conducted on every Sunday. In his divine preach, he said: The second meaning of Yajyen is service. As much as effort you do, more you will again. If you spread laziness by eating, sleeping and resting.. You think that Rishi is...
Mei Kam: Dear Guruji, as per your preaching, parents should pass on Vedic knowledge to their kids apart form providing them materialistic things. Then how should we do it? (e.g. at what age should parents tell kids about Vedic knowledge? in what ways parents can help...
By Swami Ram Swarupji God is seer of past, present and future. So, he also knows the mind and intellect of all human-beings. In this regard, God preaches in Rigved mantra 10/71/4 that one person is he who although sees the literal vedvanni yet ignores it due to lack...
एतास्ते अग्रे समिधस्त्वमिद्धः समिद्भव | अयुरस्मासु धेह्य्म्रितत्व्माचर्याय | (अथर्ववेद 19/64/4) हे (अग्ने) यज्ञ की अग्नि (एताः) ये (ते) तेरे लिये (समिधः) समिधाएँ हैं | [भाव यह है कि हम अग्निहोत्र के लिये आम, पीपल, शीशम और कीकर की समिधाओं का विशेष तौर पर प्रयोग करें |...
Swamiji conducted weekly Yajyen that is organised on every Monday. In his speech, he shared: The mantra – Yajmanasya pashun paahi. Keep doing Yajyen. God protects their family. It is a misfortune for those who cannot do Yajyen. As much as Yajyen will happen, you and...
By Swami Ram Swarupji If we recollect our vedic culture, then we shall find that the base of the universe is truth. Extraordinary meaning of Truth has very well been stated in Bhagwad Geeta shloka 2/16- “Na abhaavaha vidyatey sataha” i.e. Truth Prevails, it being...