AKL: Pranam Guruji, Does a nation also have a prarbadh / sanchit karmas or only individuals? How do we explain our country as ‘Spiritual Leader’, ‘Future Economic Power’ and among the most corrupt at the same time, how these being brought on by...
Anonymous: I love my brother’s wife. Swami Ram Swarup: I’ve already told you that this is a heinous sin to have bad intentions towards one’s bhabhi. Bhabhi has been awarded a status of mother. At this stage actually you should leave the house permanently and...
Suresh: Charan vandana guruji, i meditate every morning but i cant perform it better, because I don’t know the proper process. I want to know about full process of meditation. please guide me. Swami Ram Swarup: My blessings to you. To know the full process of...
Raju: Thanks for replying my previous doubt…. But why There is killing of animal in name of god ex. kali puja, if it is wrong then how it comes in existense & why any one have not put objection on it??? Thanks _ _ _ _ _ with regard Swami Ram Swarup: You are...
Anonymous: Pranam Guruji. Actually I was very eager to take your darshan and have noted all things which I wanted to learn on Vedas. Now since Ishwar wants me to come at later date i fully respect Him and your advice guruji. Till that time I will continue swadhyay and...
B: Namaste swami ji, is it important to take sanyas after realization of God (samadhi)? Swami Ram Swarup: Namasteji. After Samadhi, sanyas can or cannot be taken. It depends on the wish of samadhisht Yogi. But one thing is clear that sanyas is taken to do hard...
Basant: Namaste swami ji, I’ve done a mistake. How to overcome guilt feeling? Swami Ram Swarup: Namasteji. Guilt feeling is overcome by repentance. Repentance means to take firm decision, not to repeat the sin again in whole life. In addition, one should worship...
S M: Swamiji I am glad that i found you. I am happy that i can ask you any question , no matter how ridiculous it might be. Thank you. Your presence has really made a difference. Swamiji, I am scared of speed. When ever I am in a local bus or even when in a car i get...
G: Thank you Swamijii for your answer. From my school days onwards I am doing gayathri mantra which I learned form my father. As you said have given importance to family life than studies. When I was with hiusband I devoted only 2-3 days in a week for studies and the...
CZ: Which king had Lord Varaha’s tooth, with which, he used to get pathway by Samundra (God of Ocean)? Swami Ram Swarup: There is only one formless, omnipresent and almighty God who is lord of universe. Rigveda mantra 10/129/7 states that God is the lord of...