Amit: I want to learn yoga yajna and and Vedas from you. Please tell me the schedule and fees. Swami Ram Swarup: I appreciate your pious views to learn eternal vedic knowledge. I never take any kind of fee from anybody. Even boarding and lodging are free for everyone....
Sivakumar: Swamiji, what is the way to get darshan of Agni Bhagwan (i.e., to bring him in front of us) is there is any mantras, yoga or any other ways. Please give me your answer. Swami Ram Swarup: There is only one Almighty God who creates, nurses and destroys the...
Subodh: Namaste, I want to study veda-vedanta in supervision of guru in Hindi or Sanskrit with fully residential program. Please mail me soon. Hari om. Swami Ram Swarup: Namasteji. You are advised to contact any Arya Samaj local mandir to get advice or you can come...
Ajit: Guruji Sadar Pranam! Request yourself to enlighten us on the virtues of ATMA. What happens when an ATMA leaves the body, whether it remains alogside the body and observe the reaction of people. 2.What is the difference in ATMA[soul] when it enters in body [in...
J P Singh: Pratah vandaniya param pujya Guruji maharaj ko sashtang pranam. Guruji maharaj I am doing daily agnihotra,study of your books and name jap of the God as told by you. I am 57 years old and doing practice of Vajrasan for 15 minutes,Sidhasan for 30 minutes and...
Prafull: Namaste swami ji, is it important to read vedas for ashtang yog practice(samadhi)? Swami Ram Swarup: You see, a boy takes birth from parents when he reaches young age and starts doing expenditure of his father’s money but does not respect and remember the...
Vinod: What is the need of creation of the universe? Why there is sorrow , pain, decease, desires, jealousy, hatred? Is it God has will to do it. How can God be so pathetic? Swami Ram Swarup: Sorrows, pain, disease etc., we experience here are the result of our...
Rashmi: Pujya Guru ji, Maharaaj pranaam and charan sparsh, I hope you have received the article written by us. Guruji maharaaj could you please send/give me the mantras to be recited for punasavan sanaskaar. Further I have a request for you to consider could you...
ARM: I have a very sharp inclination towards spirituality ; but i am struck in one question for which i am not able to find the proper answer. Question: “Why god has created us ? In Rig veda it is mentioned god will to create universe; But why god need to will...