Shatpath Brahmin Granth 14/4/2-3/29 beautifully describes that, “Soul (Jeevatma) desired to have wife, to be get children, to have money and to perform Yajyen. Person harbouring such pious desires should not ask for more.” The underlying meaning is that...
To know any Vedic word, one will have to take into consideration the fact that as God is formless so is the Vedvani of all four Vedas and so is “Swaha”. Therefore the printed Vedas are not Vedvani, it is called Samhita and Samhita can be destroyed whereas...
Sandeep: Please for me quote & explain the following mantras even if it takes reply in various parts: Rigveda 2/1/11; 3/30/10; 9/67/30 Atharvaveda 20/127/1,2,3; 20/21/6; 20/21/9 Samveda 2/6/8 Also can you tell me how Vedas can really be a revelation because in...
Soul residing within body is an eternal, immortal, indestructible matter. It is the body which perishes, is subjected to death and decay and finally burnt in the flames of pyre. But soul abandons the body on death and enters another body according to previous...
These questions were sent by Vikas L. Acharya: Who first wrote Veda book? Which period? These questions were sent by Vikas L. Acharya: Who first wrote Veda book? Which period? Swami Ram Swarup: Vedas are not written or spoken by God. This knowledge is emanated from...
God made bodies, sun, moon, air, electron, proton, tree, space etc., etc. Is there any scientist who can even make a leaf of mango tree or any tree then what to talk of other unlimited matters made by God. Science is respected because all science matters are emanated...
Marriage period can be divided into three parts— child marriage, adolescent marriage and marriage at mature age. Child marriage which relates to marriage at the age earlier to the age of adolescence and should never be performed. Marriage period can be divided...
Hinduism is based on Vedas which are eternal, living, religious books/code and are bestowed by God on the human beings for their betterment. It is stated in Vedas, "VASUDHAIV KUTUMBAKAM" and this declaration unites humanity into one string of brotherhood all...
Please sit in the morning to perform havan. Havan must be in sunlight then it is more beneficial. Then half a bowl of fresh water with a tablespoon must be with you with small twigs specially of mango tree if possible. Havan samagri, ghee, camphor and match box must...